Monthly wallpaper: February

Guess what, guys: it’s that time of the month again! And by that, of course, I mean new wallpaper time. What were you thinking?



Computer (2560 x 1440) • Tablet (2048 x 2048) • Mobile (640 x 1136)

(They’re sized for a 27″ iMac, a retina iPad, and an iPhone 5, respectively, but they should all work for smaller devices, too.)

This project has been really interesting so far, though I’m only 1/6th of the way through it. Being an archetype junkie, there’s tons to choose from in any given month. You can go with holidays happening in the month, the weather, the etymology of the month’s name, or any number of things. This one is a combination of a wintery feel + a colour cue from February’s birthstone, amethyst (which just happens to be one of my favourites).


6 thoughts on “Monthly wallpaper: February

  1. Pingback: | Love Potion #5

  2. I only got the joke after I read the full paragraph. I’m slow, I know. ^_^

    I know what you mean about archetypes. Sometimes it takes me a very long time to sift through and decide on what I want to do.
    I think you came out with a great combination for this month.

    • Hey Cami, thanks for stopping by! It definitely can take a while to decide how to approach a subject. Too many possibilities can be a designer’s downfall! ;)

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