Hi! I’m Dara. This is my new blog. First posts are always the hardest so I’ll get this one out of the way without really saying much of substance.
I’m starting off as a bad blogger because I don’t have a purpose or mission or focus for this site. I have no grand plans or aspirations. Really, I just want a reason to write (something I really miss since graduating from university) and a place to do it.
Some things that might appear here include:
- Photos! I’m a hobbyist photographer and love to shoot just about anything on just about any kind of camera.
- Projects I’m working on. By day I’m a web developer, but by night I do a lot of other (mostly designy, art-related) stuff
- My apartment. I love decorating and making my living space great. Yes, I love Eames shell chairs, just like everyone else. No shame.
- My random thoughts about life, and how to make it awesome.

Tulips in Istanbul

I like big butts and I cannot lie